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Mastering Agility: Unleashing the Potential of Agile Methodologies for Unprecedented Success

Finding the right balance between organisation and adaptability poses a fundamental challenge for businesses of all sizes and ages. Excessive structure can hinder creativity and leave organisations ill-prepared for unexpected changes, while too little structure can result in projects spiralling out of control or missing deadlines. While various sectors have developed customised solutions to this problem, the Agile methodology has emerged as a powerful approach, particularly in the tech industry and software development.

The Agile methodology encompasses several components that are difficult to distil into a single definition. Its implementations vary widely but generally involve elements such as self-organisation, cross-collaboration, adaptive planning, short sprints, and functional iterations. The overarching objective is to establish a practical process that can swiftly respond to change. Striking the right balance involves providing sufficient structure to maintain effectiveness and progress while avoiding unnecessary constraints and process complexities.

Why Do Most Startups Fail?

Why do most startups fail?

To address this question adequately, let’s examine research conducted by CBI Insights, which surveyed 101 entrepreneurs regarding the reasons for their business closures. The following five significant factors emerged:

  • Inconsistent Market: Forty-two per cent of founders cited this as a core reason for their shutdown. They offered products or services that were not in demand or faced intense competition due to oversaturation. Overcoming these challenges became increasingly difficult.
  • Lack of Financial Flexibility: Every business operates by striking a balance between tangible and intangible assets. Money, being the most liquid asset, is crucial for carrying out essential tasks. The research revealed that 29% of entrepreneurs struggled to maintain a healthy cash flow and eventually ran out of funds.
  • Team Failures: Startups are organisations that are learning to navigate highly competitive markets filled with experienced competitors. Managing an extensive team becomes challenging for individuals lacking the necessary management skills. This obstacle was faced by many entrepreneurs.
  • Strong Competitors: With 18% of the respondents indicating this as a reason for failure, founders perceived monopolistic competitors as a significant challenge. Established competitors with years of industry experience and a strong brand presence posed difficulties for newly launched enterprises trying to gain recognition.
  • Costing Issues: Many entrepreneurs admitted to inadequate cost calculation. It is essential to strike a balance between internal costs and profit margins when determining pricing structures. Additionally, maintaining competitive pricing is crucial to foster greater customer engagement. Learn more about creating effective pricing plans here.

What is Agile Methodology?

Agile is a project management approach that encompasses practices and principles applicable throughout the project life cycle. It involves shorter development cycles called sprints, where the focus is on continual improvement of the product or service.

A cohesive team of developers collaborates on these projects, as teamwork and collaboration are integral to the success of Agile methodologies. Previously, companies relied on the waterfall model, which consisted of sequential steps such as Requirement, Design, Implementation, Testing, Deployment, and Maintenance. However, this process was time-consuming and unsuitable for the competitive nature of today’s business landscape.

To address the need for a more efficient approach, Agile was introduced in 2000 by Jeff Sutherland and his team of 16 software developers. Agile replaced the waterfall method with a simplified product development framework. Projects are divided into multiple components, with each module being completed and customer feedback gathered for further improvements. This approach is highly recommended for startups seeking an efficient workflow.

The Agile Manifesto emphasises four core values and twelve principles to achieve desired outcomes:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools: Customers value human interaction more than relying solely on processes and online tools.
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation: Agile prioritises delivering functional software over extensive documentation. Changes can be implemented quickly based on customer feedback.
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation: Instead of clients predefining their software requirements and negotiating a final product, Agile encourages active collaboration between both parties throughout the development process.
  • Responding to change over following a plan: In a dynamic business environment, startups should be adaptable to change rather than strictly adhering to pre-established plans. While planning is important, flexibility is key to success.

It’s worth noting that the Agile Manifesto presents these values as preferences, based on current market trends. It aims to guide businesses towards adopting a more efficient and adaptive approach.

What Are The Benefits Of Agile?

Speed of development is one of the most appealing factors of the agile methodology

The adoption of the agile approach brings numerous direct and indirect benefits that foster continuous growth for startups. Let’s explore eight crucial advantages of agile for startups:

  • Easy Alignment with Any Business: Agile can seamlessly adapt to different businesses. It facilitates quick responses to changes, supports the dynamic nature of business operations, and effectively manages shifting project requirements. The Agile Manifesto strongly emphasises accepting changing needs, even if they arise towards the end of a project. This approach enables customers and stakeholders to provide input on the latest iterations and new features, allowing for rapid responses and innovation from development teams.
  • Speed and Development Optimization: Agile software models offer the advantage of speed. By breaking down the development process into smaller, manageable chunks called sprints, startups can iterate quickly, test and refine ideas, and implement changes on the fly. This eliminates the need to wait for lengthy development cycles to complete. Embracing agile methodologies enables startups to develop and deliver products and services to the market rapidly, reducing time-to-market and enhancing the likelihood of success.
  • Incorporation of Feedback: Agile places significant emphasis on customer feedback. It prioritises delivering value to customers by actively incorporating their feedback into the development process. This customer-centric approach allows startups to ensure that they meet customer needs and develop products and services that resonate with them. By staying ahead of the competition and providing solutions that address evolving market demands, startups can maintain a competitive edge.
  • Enhanced Collaboration and Communication: Agile fosters collaboration and effective communication among team members. Through regular meetings and feedback loops, development teams can align their efforts, share knowledge, and address challenges promptly. This collaborative environment promotes transparency, trust, and teamwork, leading to higher productivity and better outcomes.
  • Risk Mitigation: Agile methodologies enable startups to take calculated risks while keeping a close eye on customer needs. By breaking projects into smaller increments, startups can experiment and make adjustments based on real-time feedback, reducing the risk of investing significant time and resources into features or functionalities that may not meet market demands.
  • Continuous Improvement: Agile promotes a culture of continuous improvement. By regularly reflecting on the development process and seeking opportunities for enhancement, startups can identify areas of inefficiency or bottlenecks and implement changes to optimise their workflows. This iterative approach helps startups adapt and evolve as they learn from their experiences and strive for constant growth.
  • Enhanced Product Quality: Agile methodologies emphasise delivering high-quality products. Through the iterative development process, startups can continuously test and refine their products, ensuring that they meet the expected standards of performance, functionality, and usability. This focus on quality increases customer satisfaction and enhances the reputation of the startup.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability: Agile embraces change and provides flexibility for startups to respond to evolving market conditions and customer needs. This adaptability allows startups to pivot their strategies, make course corrections, and seize emerging opportunities swiftly. By being agile in their approach, startups can stay ahead of the curve and remain resilient in a rapidly changing business landscape.

In summary, the adoption of agile methodologies empowers startups with alignment, speed, customer focus, collaboration, risk mitigation, continuous improvement, product quality, and flexibility. These benefits contribute to the overall growth and success of startups in a competitive market environment.

Disadvantages of Agile

A steep learning curve can put people off the agile methodology if they haven’t experienced it before

While Agile methodology offers numerous benefits, it’s essential to acknowledge that it may not be suitable for every situation. It’s important to be aware of the potential disadvantages that come with Agile methodology. Here are five key drawbacks to consider:

  • Increased Complexity: Agile can introduce additional complexity to project management. The iterative nature of Agile requires continuous coordination and communication among team members, which can become challenging to manage effectively.
  • Resource Demands: Agile requires dedicated and cross-functional teams, which may require additional resources. This can pose challenges for organisations with limited personnel or budget constraints.
  • Client Involvement: Agile relies heavily on client involvement and feedback throughout the development process. This can be demanding for clients who may have limited availability or difficulty providing consistent input.
  • Learning Curve: Implementing Agile requires a shift in mindset and practices, which may require a learning curve for team members who are unfamiliar with the methodology. This adjustment period can temporarily impact productivity and efficiency.
  • Lack of Predictability: Agile’s flexibility can result in a lack of predictability in project timelines and outcomes. While it allows for adaptability, it can make it challenging to provide accurate estimations or guarantees on project deliverables.

It’s crucial to consider these disadvantages alongside the advantages of Agile to determine if it aligns with the specific needs and circumstances of a project or organisation.

How Can I Mitigate The Disadvantages of Agile Development?

The limitations of Agile methodology indicate that it may not be suitable for every situation. However, there are ways to mitigate these drawbacks. One approach is to adopt a Lean mindset, which prioritises delivering value through a high-quality end product rather than merely focusing on delivering a functional product. Another key aspect is managing a clear and defined process for delivering the product, rather than relying on an uncertain path determined as the project progresses.

Having an understanding of the disadvantages of Agile methodology, it is important to assess how it may impact your projects. If the drawbacks of Agile outweigh its benefits, it is crucial to remember that there are alternative methodologies available for delivering efficient and superior products.

Agile Development Lifecycle

The Agile software development life cycle encompasses a structured series of stages that a product undergoes from inception to retirement. It comprises six phases: concept, inception, iteration, release, maintenance, and retirement.

The specific implementation of the Agile life cycle may vary depending on the chosen project management methodology. For instance, Scrum teams work in short time periods called sprints, which are similar to iterations, and have well-defined roles such as a Scrum master. Conversely, Kanban teams operate with a continuous flow and do not require specific roles.

Another example is Extreme Programming, where teams focus on shorter iterations and prioritise engineering practices. Regardless of the methodology, the ultimate objective for all software development teams remains the same: delivering functional software to users within the specified time frame.

The 6 Phases of the Agile Development Lifecycle

What are the 6 phases of the agile development lifecycle?

As previously mentioned, the Agile software development life cycle comprises six distinct phases. Now, let’s delve into a detailed exploration of each of these Agile phases.

1. Concept

The initial phase of the Agile software development life cycle is the concept phase. In this stage, the product owner takes the lead in defining the project’s scope. If multiple projects are involved, prioritisation is crucial, ensuring that the most important ones are given priority. The product owner collaborates with the client to discuss and gather key requirements, documenting them in detail. This documentation outlines the supported features and the intended end results. It is advisable to keep the initial requirements minimal, allowing for flexibility to incorporate additional features in subsequent stages.

During the concept phase, the product owner also conducts a thorough analysis to estimate the time and cost associated with potential projects. This detailed assessment helps in determining the project’s feasibility before proceeding with the development work.

2. Inception

After the concept phase, the next step is to assemble the software development team. The product owner evaluates the availability of their colleagues and selects the most suitable individuals for the project, equipping them with the essential tools and resources. This marks the initiation of the design process.

During the inception stage, the team collaborates to create a mock-up of the user interface and establish the project architecture. Stakeholders provide valuable input to refine the requirements, which are visualised on a diagram to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the product’s functionality. Regular check-ins are conducted to ensure that all requirements are incorporated effectively into the design process.

3. Iteration

Following the inception phase, we enter the iteration phase, often known as construction. This phase typically occupies the most substantial portion of the project timeline as it involves the bulk of the work. During this phase, developers collaborate closely with UX designers to integrate all product requirements and customer feedback, transforming the design into actual code. The primary objective is to establish the fundamental functionality of the product by the conclusion of the initial iteration or sprint. Subsequent iterations allow for the inclusion of additional features and refinements. This stage forms a pivotal element of Agile software development, enabling developers to rapidly create functional software and continuously improve it to meet the client’s expectations.

4. Release

As the product nears completion, it is essential to conduct thorough testing to ensure its full functionality. The quality assurance team, a vital part of the Agile team, will perform comprehensive tests to ensure that the software operates seamlessly. If any potential bugs or defects are identified, the developers will promptly address them to maintain a clean and efficient codebase. Additionally, user training will be conducted during this phase, necessitating the creation of detailed documentation. Once all of these tasks are completed, the final iteration of the product is prepared for release into the production environment.

5. Maintenance

Following the deployment of the software, it enters the maintenance phase, where it becomes accessible to customers. During this phase, the software development team remains actively involved to offer ongoing support and address any newly discovered bugs or issues. They are dedicated to ensuring the system runs smoothly and efficiently. The team is also available to provide additional training to users, ensuring they have a comprehensive understanding of how to utilise the product effectively. As time progresses, new iterations can be introduced to enhance the existing product, incorporating upgrades and additional features to meet evolving user needs and preferences.

6. Retirement

There are two primary factors that lead to a product entering the retirement phase. The first reason is the introduction of new software that replaces the existing product. The second reason is when the system itself becomes outdated or incompatible with the organisation over time. The software development team initiates the retirement process by informing users about the software’s upcoming retirement. If a replacement is available, users are transitioned to the new system. Finally, the development team completes any remaining end-of-life tasks and discontinues support for the existing software.

In the Agile life cycle, each phase involves multiple iterations aimed at refining deliverables and achieving excellent outcomes.

The Agile Iteration Workflow

Agile iterations typically span from two to four weeks, with a fixed completion date. The workflow of an Agile iteration follows five key steps: planning requirements, developing the product, testing the software, delivering the iteration, and incorporating feedback. Within each Agile phase, multiple iterations take place as software developers repeat their processes to refine the product and create high-quality software. Essentially, these iterations serve as smaller cycles within the overarching Agile life cycle.

The Agile life cycle serves as a fundamental structural model for software development teams, guiding them in successfully navigating the journey from product conception to retirement. To support all activities throughout the Agile cycle, team members require access to appropriate resources and tools, such as an Agile project management platform.

Agile Vs Scrum

Agile vs Scrum for product development

Agile development encompasses various project management methodologies that prioritise an iterative and adaptable approach. Among these methodologies, Scrum stands out as a specific type of agile development that emphasises short, time-bound sprints. Typically, these sprints last for a month or less, with a new sprint starting immediately after the previous one concludes.

Both agile development and Scrum play crucial roles in effectively managing complex projects. However, they possess distinct strengths and weaknesses, making them suitable for different contexts and requirements.

Benefits of Agile Development Over Scrum

Agile development offers greater flexibility compared to Scrum, making it easier to incorporate changes throughout the project’s lifespan. Additionally, Agile development typically generates less documentation compared to Scrum. This aspect can be advantageous if extensive documentation is not essential for your project’s requirements.

Moreover, Agile development proves to be a suitable choice for projects that are not well-suited for Scrum’s time-bound sprints. For instance, if your project has an extended timeline, opting for Agile development might be a more suitable approach.

Benefits of Scrum Over Agile

Scrum offers a higher level of structure compared to agile development, enabling teams to stay organised and meet deadlines more effectively. It proves to be an excellent choice for projects that require swift completion. The time-boxed sprints in Scrum enforce a focused approach, ensuring that the development team concentrates on achieving project milestones within specific timeframes.

Additionally, Scrum generates more documentation than Agile development. This can be beneficial if your project necessitates comprehensive documentation to support its implementation, maintenance, or future reference.

Agile Vs Kanban

Kanban represents an alternative approach to project management within Agile development. It emphasises creating a visual depiction of the development team’s tasks and progress. A notable example of this is the conventional Kanban board, which typically includes columns for to-do, in-progress, and done stages in software projects. This visual representation aids in keeping the team organised and maintaining focus on the project at hand.

Benefits of Kanban Over Agile

Kanban proves effective in minimising meeting time by providing a clear visual representation of work, enabling the development team to easily identify tasks and their respective assignees. This visual clarity reduces confusion and conflict within the team as each task is explicitly assigned to a specific individual, leaving no room for interpretation.

Moreover, Kanban is a suitable choice for projects that necessitate a high level of coordination among development team members. Its focus on visualising tasks and responsibilities enhances coordination and streamlines collaboration, ensuring smooth progress throughout the project.

Benefits of Agile Over Kanban

Implementing Kanban can present more challenges compared to agile development, as it requires a shift towards a visual approach to project management. This visual mindset plays a crucial role in effectively implementing Kanban methodologies.

While Kanban can be a suitable choice for projects that align well with agile development principles, it may not be the optimal choice for every project. Factors such as project requirements, team dynamics, and complexity should be carefully considered when deciding whether Kanban is the most appropriate approach for a given project.

Agile Vs XP

XP (Extreme Programming) emphasises the establishment of a comprehensive set of best practices for the development team to adhere to. These practices primarily aim to enhance project quality, with a strong focus on areas such as thorough testing and ensuring customer satisfaction. For instance, one of the fundamental values of XP is the prompt and continuous feedback loop. Team members are encouraged to provide open and honest input throughout the project, fostering the creation of an exceptional final product that leaves no room for debate.

Benefits of XP Over Agile

XP (Extreme Programming) proves beneficial in enhancing code quality. The core values of XP contribute to ensuring that the code is consistently written in a clean and structured manner, promoting better overall quality.

Additionally, XP can aid in reducing meeting time. The implementation of best practices in XP helps to maintain focused and productive meetings, ensuring that discussions stay on track and relevant to project objectives. This streamlined approach contributes to more efficient use of time during meetings.

Benefits of Agile over XP

Implementing XP (Extreme Programming) can present greater challenges compared to agile development, as it demands a shift in the project management mindset to embrace its unique approach.

While XP can be a suitable choice for projects that align well with Agile development principles, it may not be the optimal choice for every project, particularly more complex projects that require greater emphasis on managing multiple moving parts rather than solely focusing on the final product. Factors such as project complexity, team composition, and specific project requirements should be carefully evaluated to determine the suitability of XP for a given project.

The 3 Steps of Agile

The 3 steps of agile

1. Preparation

During the preparation stage, the product owner takes the lead in creating a comprehensive list of desired features for the final product, referred to as the product backlog. Subsequently, the development team collaborates to estimate the time required for the implementation of each individual feature.

2. Sprint planning

During the sprint planning meeting, the development team engages in the crucial task of selecting the features they will work on from the product backlog for the upcoming sprint. A sprint refers to a defined timeframe, typically around two weeks, within which the team aims to accomplish a specific goal. Within this meeting, the team also determines the number of tasks they can successfully complete in each category during the sprint, such as coding, testing, and documentation. The details of these chosen tasks are then added to the sprint backlog, providing a clear plan for the team’s work during the sprint.

3. Sprint

During the sprint, the development team diligently works on accomplishing the tasks outlined in the sprint backlog. Along the way, they may encounter new issues that require attention. Should this happen, these issues are added to the product backlog and prioritised accordingly. By the end of the sprint, the team aims to have completed all the features listed in the sprint backlog. If any features remain unfinished, they are carried over to the next sprint.

Following the sprint, the team conducts a sprint review meeting where they present a demonstration of the completed features to the product owner and stakeholders. This meeting serves as an opportunity to discuss the successes and challenges encountered during the sprint, as well as to explore ways to enhance future sprints.

Furthermore, the team holds a retrospective meeting where they reflect on the strengths and weaknesses of the sprint. They engage in constructive discussions about what went well and areas that require improvement. This reflection enables them to create an actionable plan for addressing these issues in subsequent sprints. This feedback loop contributes to a continuous improvement process, ensuring that each sprint becomes more successful than the previous one.

The 6 Ways Startups Get Agile Wrong

How can you do the agile methodology wrong?

Agile Teams Need No C-Level Support

Becoming a learning organisation within a startup is an ongoing and fundamental process. It entails several essential aspects, including running experiments, embracing failure, and relinquishing the notion of the heroic inventor often associated with figures like Steve Jobs. While many founders tend to hold onto this mindset, it is crucial to recognise that even Steve Jobs did not single-handedly create Apple from scratch.

In my experience, effectively addressing the challenges of becoming a learning organisation necessitates the presence of self-organising teams. Their collaborative efforts gradually evolve into a structure composed of interconnected teams. However, it is crucial for this approach to receive unwavering support from C-level executives at every stage. Without their full backing, efforts in this direction are likely to be rendered futile.

Similarly, attempting a bottom-up approach by attempting to hack the existing culture proves to be an ineffective alternative to the lack of C-level support. This approach often leads to frustration, causing agile-minded individuals to seek opportunities in organisations that are better aligned with their principles and values.

We Need A Project Management Office

A Project Management Office (PMO) in the context of Agile can indicate certain underlying beliefs and practices:

  • It reflects a command and control mindset.
  • It implies a reliance on industrial paradigms to address complex adaptive problems.
  • It supports the idea of functional silos as advantageous.
  • It demonstrates a lack of understanding of 21st-century product discovery and delivery.

The concept of implementing a communication gatekeeper, such as a PMO, between the product delivery organisation and stakeholders contradicts the core principles of Agile. An Agile organisation does not require a PMO as a solution for scaling Agile. Instead, the key to scaling Agile is to descale the organisation, focusing on decentralisation and fostering collaborative practices.

Everyone Loves Agile

The appreciation for change is often lower than what innovators anticipate. Organizations naturally exhibit resistance to change as their success is rooted in providing stability. However, this stability can also cultivate self-interest, particularly at the middle management level.

The “what’s in it for me” mentality becomes prevalent among middle managers who question the potential risks of supporting an agile mindset. In many cases, traditional approaches like Taylorism or command and control structures in siloed organisations continue to yield rewards, resulting in localised optimisations and personal agendas. The desire for career advancement and resume optimisation further motivates individuals to maintain the status quo.

In contrast, self-organisation requires a different type of management that emphasises teaching, coaching, and mentoring. Simply relabeling the positions of the existing middle management rarely yields effective results. It is important to recognise that Agile turning into micromanagement can stem from these dynamics within organisations.

We Don’t Need User Testing

This issue is relevant to both established organisations and startups alike. It is common to observe a pronounced cognitive bias among founders and management regarding the future direction of the product. This bias tends to be reinforced if things go well, leading to a sense of “I was right before, and I will be right again in the future.” Alternatively, in the case of failure, the bias may be rationalised by attributing the failure to unforeseeable circumstances.

As a consequence, this bias often manifests in micromanagement of the product delivery organisation. It also fosters a lack of awareness regarding opportunity costs and the costs associated with delays, which are important strategic considerations.

It is crucial for organisations to recognise and address this bias to avoid detrimental impacts on the product development process and the overall success of the organisation.

Agile Improves Margins

When questioning founders and managers of startups about their motivations for adopting an agile organisation, they typically mention goals such as improving software delivery efficiency, achieving faster delivery times, and enhancing the predictability of software releases. However, if we compare these answers to the actual benefits of becoming an agile organisation, the disparity becomes apparent.

The true advantages of embracing an agile mindset include outperforming competitors by fostering a learning organisation, cultivating an exceptional culture that values autonomy, mastery, and purpose, thereby attracting talented individuals, excelling in continuous product discovery and delivery, minimising risk, and optimising return on investment for product delivery organisations.

The misalignment between founder motivations and the core principles of agility becomes evident when examining these contrasting aspects. It is crucial for founders and managers to understand and align with the broader benefits of becoming an agile organisation, as they go beyond superficial improvements and can significantly impact the success and growth of the startup.

We’ll Scale Like A Silicon Valley Startup

I find it perplexing when people underestimate the significance of agile coaching and assume that once an organisation becomes agile, they can simply replicate the Spotify model and scale effortlessly. I recently encountered a startup CEO in Berlin who summarised their expectations in this manner.

It appears that there is a prevailing belief, even among well-informed stakeholders, that scaling an agile organisation can be accomplished by following a checklist of successful startup practices. The Spotify model has emerged as a favourite blueprint for achieving this goal.

However, according to Henrik Kniberg, one of the head coaches at Spotify, the reality is far from simple. He stated that their journey was not a grand transformation but rather a continuous stream of small, iterative improvements to their organisation and processes. Over the course of three years, Spotify’s way of working naturally evolved and shaped their unique organisational structure.

The truth is, there is no ready-made Spotify model that can be replicated. Spotify was built with a specific vision in mind from the beginning, but they still had to navigate their own path. Every organisation must go through a similar process of self-discovery to determine how they can become an agile organisation. It requires understanding and adapting agile principles to their specific context and needs.


Agile methodologies have revolutionized the way businesses operate in a rapidly evolving world. By embracing agility, organizations can foster a culture of innovation, adaptability, and collaboration, enabling them to stay ahead of the competition. Through iterative development, continuous feedback, and a focus on customer value, agile empowers teams to deliver high-quality results with speed and efficiency. As the business landscape continues to change, embracing agile principles and practices becomes increasingly crucial for organizations seeking to thrive in the face of uncertainty. So, take the leap, embrace agility, and unlock a future of endless possibilities.

Now that you understand the fundamentals of agile development, check out our guide to idea validation using the Mom test, and find out more about the concept of minimum marketable features and how it aligns with the agile philosophy. You should also learn how the agile methodology can be applied to your whole business portfolio and how to build an agile team.

If you’ve enjoyed this post, we’d recommend diving into the following other posts in this Agile series:

  1. An Introduction to The Agile Methodology
  2. Themes, Epics and User Stories – The Core Components Of Agile
  3. Embracing Agile Team Dynamics
  4. What is SAFe Agile and Why Should I Use It?
  5. What is Waterfall Development?
  6. What is Lean Development?
  7. What is Scrum?
  8. A Deep Dive Into Epics
  9. Exploring The Power of User Stories
  10. How Can I Use Personas?
  11. Decoding Agile Estimation (Story Pointing)
  12. Agile Transformation: How Can My Business Start Using Agile?
  13. The Spotify Approach To Agile Development
  14. What Is Agile Portfolio Management?
  15. Agile Glossary

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